Physiological suppression of Kv1.4/Kv1.5 heteromultimeric channels
mediated by the SH3-dependent interaction of Src with the Kv1.5
proline-rich SH3 domain ligand sequence. Currents evoked in Kv subunit
cRNA-injected X. laevis oocytes by a 1-s
voltage step from a holding potential of −80 mV to a test potential of
+80 mV were measured by using a two-electrode voltage clamp both
immediately before and 9–12 h after a second injection with either
H20, SrcCI, or SrcCISH3KO cRNA.
Current traces depicted were measured after the second injection and
were chosen on the basis of exhibiting the closest peak current
magnitude to the mean for the represented experimental condition (ND,
not determined). Current traces within each column are drawn to the
same scale, with the following peak current magnitudes after H20
treatment: Kv1.4, 13.6 μA; Kv1.5, 9.9 μA; Kv1.5-ΔPro, 5.0 μA;
Kv1.4-Kv1.5-Tandem, 11.1 μA; Kv1.4-Kv1.5-tandem-ΔPro, 2.1 μA. Bar
graphs depict the mean ± SEM peak current ratios for each oocyte
recorded after reinjection to that recorded before reinjection, and
were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and the Scheffé
paired-comparison test. Group sizes were between 12 and 29 oocytes. NS,
no significant differences; ***,
P < 0.01.