(A) Western blot of acd2 mutant plants
with anti-ACD2 antiserum. Lanes contain protein from approximately
equal weights of leaf tissue. Lanes: 1, Columbia; 2,
acd2–2; 3, acd2–5; 4,
acd2–6; 5, acd2–8; 6,
acd2–12E13; 7, acd2–7. The doublet
above the ACD2 band is not detected by antiserum from an independently
inoculated rabbit or by affinity-purified antiserum (data not shown);
thus, we conclude that it is not specific to the ACD2 protein.
(B) ACD2 localizes to chloroplasts and mitochondria.
Lanes: 1, crude extract; 2, purified mitochondria; 3, purified
chloroplasts. M, mitochondrial form of ACD2; X, chloroplast form of
ACD2; CHL, chlorophyll in mg/ml; MITO, mitochondria/microliter.