Fig. 2.
Th (green) and dopamine transporter (red) immunostaining in coronal sections of brains from DDfs, control, and vrDDfs mice. (A–F) Sections through the SNc and VTA were subjected to immunohistochemistry with antisera to Th and DAT. There was no Th signal in DDfs mice, but DAT staining indicates the presence of intact dopamine neurons. Th+ neurons are abundant in the SNc of control and vrDDfs mice. There are a few Th+ cell bodies in the dorsal VTA of vrDDfs mice. (G–L) Sections through the striatum, showing projections of the midbrain dopamine neurons. Th staining was present throughout the CPu and ventrolateral striatum of vrDDfs mice. The medial shell and core of the NAc were devoid of Th signal in vrDDfs mice.