A model of the results of the two-hybrid analysis of interactions
between protein subunits in human RNase P. The scheme is based on the
results of the two-hybrid assay (Table 2) that showed a weak
interaction between certain pairs of subunits. No information is
available regarding the stoichiometry of subunits, and, therefore, each
subunit is represented only once. The subunits shown in red are also in
contact with H1 RNA, the RNA subunit of human RNase P (see text). The
subunits are designated by their apparent molecular masses (2–4) (N.
Jarrous, D. Wesolowski, C. Guerrier-Takada, and S.A., unpublished
observations) rather than by their full designations (e.g., p20 rather
than Rpp20) to reduce crowding in the figure.