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. 2006 Jan;96(1):160–166. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2004.053579


Characteristics of Women With Regional-Stage Breast Cancer, by Hospital Type: Florida, July 1, 1997–December 31, 2000

Teaching Hospital Nonteaching Hospital Total
Cases, no. (%) (100) 1397 (12.5) 9778 (87.5) 11 175
Age at diagnosis, y
    Mean (SD) 56.7 (13.5) 61.8 (14.5) 61.2 (14.5)
    Range 21–104 25–95 21–104
Race/ethnicity, no. (%)
    White non-Hispanic 946 (67.7) 7909 (80.9) 8855 (79.2)
    Black non-Hispanic 211 (15.1) 881 (9.0) 1092 (9.8)
    Hispanic 214 (15.3) 862 (8.8) 1076 (9.6)
    American Indian/Alaska Native 1 (0.1) 3 (0.0) 4 (0.0)
    Asian/Pacific Islander 15 (1.1) 45 (0.5) 60 (0.5)
    Unknown 10 (0.7) 78 (0.8) 88 (0.8)
Marital status, no. (%)
    Single 205 (14.7) 1047 (10.7) 1252 (11.2)
    Married 746 (53.4) 5392 (55.1) 6138 (54.9)
    Separated/divorced 225 (16.1) 1025 (10.5) 1250 (11.2)
    Widowed 182 (13.0) 1982 (20.3) 2164 (19.4)
    Unknown 39 (2.8) 332 (3.4) 371 (3.3)
Health insurance status, no. (%)
    Uninsured 177 (12.7) 383 (3.9) 560 (5.0)
    Privately insured 720 (51.5) 5065 (51.8) 5785 (51.8)
    Medicare 373 (26.7) 3682 (37.7) 4055 (36.3)
    Medicaid 120 (8.6) 261 (2.7) 381 (3.4)
    Unknown 7 (0.5) 387 (4.0) 394 (3.5)
Chemotherapy,a no. (%)
    Yes 946 (67.7) 4592 (47.0) 5538 (49.6)
    No 442 (31.6) 4928 (50.4) 5370 (48.1)
    Unknown 9 (0.6) 258 (2.6) 267 (2.4)
Hormonal therapy,a no. (%)
    Yes 341 (24.4) 1439 (14.7) 1780 (15.9)
    No 1052 (75.3) 8130 (83.1) 9182 (82.2)
    Unknown 4 (0.3) 209 (2.1) 213 (1.9)
Any adjuvant therapy,b no. (%)
    Yes 1099 (78.7) 5276 (54.0) 6375 (57.0)
    No 290 (20.8) 4238) (43.3) 4528 (40.5)
    Unknown 8 (0.6) 264 (2.7) 272 (2.4)

Note. All differences between teaching facilities and nonteaching facilities were significant with P < .001.

aFor chemotherapy and hormonal therapy, the category coded recommended but unknown if given was coded as received. Exclusion of these cases did not change our results.

b“Any adjuvant therapy” includes chemotherapy alone, hormonal therapy alone, or the 2 therapies together.