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. 2006 Jan;96(1):114–119. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2004.056796


One-Year Estimated Testing Volumes and Costs in US Dollars Without Free VCT, With a Free VCT Campaign, and With Sustained Free VCT: Moshi, Tanzania, May through November, 2003

No Free VCT, n = 966a Free VCT Campaign, n = 1864b Sustained Free VCT, n = 3915c
Economic parameters Cost Cost per Client Cost Cost per Client Cost Cost per Client
Building rent 500.00 0.52 500.00 0.27 1000.00 0.26
Telephone 600.00 0.62 600.00 0.32 1200.00 0.31
Power 150.00 0.16 150.00 0.08 600.00 0.15
Advertisingd 0.00 0.00 40.00 0.02 1040.00 0.27
Labore 8036.80 8.32 8102.80 4.35 9759.40 2.49
Lab supplies 360.00 0.37 694.51 0.37 1458.16 0.37
HIV test kits 2021.63 2.09 3900.13 2.09 8188.46 2.09
Other consumables 500.00 0.52 964.60 0.52 2025.22 0.52
    Total cost 12 168.43 12.59 14 952.05 8.02 25 271.23 6.45
Estimated income from VCT chargesf 650.06 1181.44 0.00
    Net cost 11 518.37 11.92 13 770.61 7.38 25 271.23 6.45

Note. VCT = voluntary counseling and testing.

aApplies prefree VCT campaign daily client volumes to 261 testing days in a calendar year.

bApplies free VCT daily client volumes to 10 days and postfree VCT daily client volumes to 251 testing days in calendar year.

cApplies free VCT daily client volumes to 251 testing days in a calendar year.

dRadio advertisements, gasoline for car during free VCT campaign.

eLaboratory technician, VCT program director, counselors.

fAssumes fees are waived for those aged < 25 years per Tanzanian Ministry of Health guidelines.