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. 2006 Feb;96(2):277–281. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2004.054361


Ordinal Regression of Round Brownfields Grant Was Awarded and Correlates

Variable β SE P
CAP: Population, 1990 (1 ≥ 150 000, 0 < 150 000) −1.083 0.256 .01
CAP: City (1 = yes, 0 = no) −1.180 0.314 .01
ENV: % Black population, 1990 (1 ≥ 31, 0 < 31) −0.784 0.255 .01
ENV: % Own home, 1990 (1 ≥ 46, 0 < 46) 0.537 0.245 .03
CAP: City is capital of state (1 = yes, 0 = no) −0.346 0.390 .38
ENV: Have Superfund site (1 = yes, 0 = no) −0.160 0.220 .47
ENV: % Latino population, 1990 (1 ≥ 31, 0 < 31) −0.234 0.368 .52
CAP: Strength of state environmental programs:
    1 = strongest quartile 0.216 0.347 .53
    2 = second strongest quartile 0.376 0.367 .31
    3 = third strongest quartile 0.824 0.391 .25
ENV: % Manufacturing workers, 1970 (1 ≥ 31, 0 < 31) 0.098 0.222 .66

Note. CAP = capacity; ENV = local environmental factors. Initial award winners had low ranks (first, second, third year). Hence, a negative β value means a positive association with the variable. P < .01; χ2 = 69.96. Variable results presented in order of statistical significance. Cox and Snell psuedo R2 = 0.201; Nagelkerke = .203; McFadden = .047. Spearman rank correlation of actual vs predicted by model = 0.60 (P < .01).