Local application of growth factors by means of beads mimics the
effect of embryos on the pseudopregnant uterus. Beads preabsorbed with
BSA, HB-EGF, EGF, TGFα, epiregulin (Epi), IGF-1, BMP2, BMP4, or SHH
were transferred into each horn between 1000 and 1100 h on Day 4
of pseudopregnancy. Recipients were examined at 1100 h on Days 5,
6, or 8 for implantation reaction by the blue dye method.
(A) Reaction to beads loaded with BSA compared with
beads loaded with HB-EGF. (Bar, 0.5 cm.) (B)
Quantitation of results. The numbers on top of the bars indicate the
number of mice responding/total number of mice used, whereas the
numbers within parentheses indicate the number of blue bands/total
number of beads transferred. χ2 followed by Fisher's
exact tests showed that the number of blue bands was significantly
higher for beads loaded with HB-EGF or IGF-1 (P =
0.001) as compared with beads with BSA or other growth factors.