Pancreata from pdx-1 (−/−);mTgt mice
show a defect in proliferation and contain increased numbers of
hormone-positive cells in the ductal epithelium. (A)
Immunocytochemical staining of whole-pancreas sections from
pdx-1 (−/−);wtTg and pdx-1
(−/−);mTg neonates, with Ki-67
antiserum as the marker of cell proliferation. (B)
Immunocytochemistry of pancreas sections from neonatal wild-type mice,
showing the highest levels of PBX-1 (green) in ductal cells
(D), followed by islet cells. Acinar cells stain weakly
for PBX-1. Insulin immunostaining (red) is overlaid to indicate the
islet. (C) Immunohistochemical detection of insulin
(Left), glucagon (Middle), and
somatostatin (Right) cells (arrowheads) within the
pancreatic ductal epithelium of neonatal pdx-1
(−/−);mTg mice. Mice of all other genotypes did not show
hormone-positive cells within ducts in any sections examined.