Detection of the transgene in nuclear transplants and their offspring.
(A) EF-1a-A/GFP in nuclear transplants
and F1 offspring. Plasmid, pEF-1a-A/GFP;
donor, donor transgenic fish; recipient, OR; 1NT1 and 1NT2, nuclear
transplants; 1NT1F1, five F1 offspring derived
from 1NT1. (B)
β-Act/GFP-N in nuclear transplants.
Plasmid, pβ-Act/GFP-N; donor, donor
transgenic fish; recipient, OR; 2NT1 through 2NT5, nuclear transplants.
(C) β-Act/GFP-N in
F1 offspring. Plasmid,
pβ-Act/GFP-N; 2NT1F1
through 2NT5F1, three each of F1 offspring
obtained by crossing 2NT1, 2NT2, 2NT3, 2NT4, and 2NT5 with OR.
(D) EF-1a-A/GFP in F2
offspring derived from 1NT1. Plasmid, pEF-1a-A/GFP;
GFP (+) and GFP (−), five each F2 offspring exhibiting
fluorescence and no fluorescence, respectively. (E)
β-Act/GFP-N in F2
offspring derived from 2NT1; plasmid,
pβ-Act/GFP-N; GFP (+) and GFP (−),
five each F2 offspring exhibiting fluorescence and no
fluorescence, respectively. The endogenous
EF-1a-A gene is amplified and used as a control in all
PCR analyses.