Changes of the area-specific (Cm (μF/cm2), A and B) and whole-cell capacitance (CC (pF), C and D) of Jurkat cells during hypotonic stress. The cell samples were originally (t < 0) exposed to isotonic CGM. At zero time the cells were transferred to 200 or 100 mOsm medium (open squares and circles, respectively) containing sorbitol (A and C) or trehalose (B and D) as the major osmolyte. At various time intervals after acute hypotonic challenge, the cell radius a, the characteristic frequency fc1 of maximum antifield electrorotation and the medium conductivity σe were recorded for individual cells (N = 15–20). From these data, the mean Cm and CC values (±SE) were calculated using Eqs. 5 and 6. The initial capacitance values (t = 0, solid symbols) represent the data derived from the CRF experiments performed correspondingly in isotonic 300 mOsm media (see Fig. 3, Table 1).