Identification of small RNA species specific to HSV-1 infection. Small RNAs harvested from mock-infected (M) or from HSV-1-infected cells at the times indicated at the top of the figure were separated by PAGE, stained with ethidium bromide (UV visualization of a portion of the gel is shown in the third gel in panel A and in the second gels in panels B, C, and D), and blotted to membrane for hybridization with 4-5′ probe (A, top gel), 4-3′ probe (A, second gel), 6-RC probe (B, top gel), 7-3′ probe (C, top gel), and T-1 probe (D, top gel). The sizes of RNA markers are indicated to the left of the phosphorimages. The position of tRNA and the putative pre-miRNAs are indicated to the right of the figure. (A to C) The membrane was stripped and hybridized with a probe to let-7, the position of which is also shown to the right of the bottom gels.