Allicin increases survival of mice infected with erythrocytic stages of Plasmodium. Mice were injected i.v. with GFP-expressing erythrocytic-stage P. berghei and 1 h later treated with allicin delivered intravenously (A and C) or orally (B and C). Treatment was continued once daily for an additional 3 days. (A) Parasitemias in control (buffer alone administered intravenously) and allicin-treated (8 mg/kg administered intravenously) groups on day 4. (B) Parasitemias in control (water administered orally) and allicin-treated (3 mg/kg and 9 mg/kg administered orally) groups on day 4. (C) Survival curves of mice receiving buffer administered intravenously, filled circles; water administered orally, filled triangles; 3-mg/kg/day allicin administered orally, unfilled triangles; 9-mg/kg/day allicin administered orally, filled squares; 8-mg/kg/day allicin administered intravenously, unfilled circles. Arrows indicate the days that mice were treated. Results represent two independent experiments with five to seven mice per group per experiment.