Figure 1.
Effects of multicopy iraP and deletion of iraP on σS stability. The half-life of σS was measured in cells grown at 37°C in LB. Protein synthesis was inhibited with chloramphenicol at OD600 of ∼0.3 and ∼3 for the determination of σS half-life in exponential phase and stationary phase, respectively. Samples were removed at specific time points and analyzed by immunoblot with an anti-σS antiserum. (A) σS half-life was determined in the strain CRB316 (PBAD-rpoS990’-‘lacZ chromosomal fusion) containing either pHDB3, as vector control, or pIraP. The accumulation and the degradation of σS-LacZ are shown in the top panel and chromosomally-encoded σS in the bottom panel. Quantification of the σS signals is shown in the graph. The density for samples at time 0 was set to 100% for each of the chase experiments. Half-lives (t½) were calculated by regression analysis of the exponential decay of σS. (B) Effect of iraP expression from a foreign inducible promoter on σS stability in the strain AB009 (ΔiraP∷kn) carrying either the vector control pPLlacO or pPLlacO-iraP. The cells were grown until exponential phase in the presence or absence of 1 mM IPTG, as indicated. (C) Comparison of σS half-lives in the ΔiraP (AB006) and wild-type (MG1655) strains.