Figure 5.
A, PR in aorta and coronary vascular muscle. Immunoblot showing PR expression in aorta from a placebo-treated rhesus1 and coronary vascular muscle cells isolated from a control (untreated monkey and untreated vascular muscle cells).2 The result is representative of 2 independent experiments from 3 animals or coronary VMC cultures. B, Effects of P on TP receptor. TP receptor expression in aorta from placebo control,1 P-treated rhesus monkey,2 primary untreated coronary vascular muscle cells from placebo control3 and primary coronary vascular muscle cells treated with 1 nM P.4 Data are representative of 2 independent experiments each for P-treated or placebo-treated groups1,2 or coronary vascular muscle cells.3,4 Detection of ERK 1/2 was used as an internal loading control. C, Quantitation of TP receptor expression in rhesus aorta and in coronary vascular muscle cells demonstrating effects of P treatment in vivo and in vitro. *Significant attenuation in density compared with respective placebo control for aorta and untreated coronary vascular muscle cells (P<0.05).