(A) (Upper) Comparison of the average
amplitude of sEPSCs recorded from striatal neurons obtained from
different aged rats (untreated young, n = 6, vs.
untreated mature, n = 9; unpaired t
test, P > 0.3), and mature rats that received
different treatments (VEH-treated, n = 7, vs.
6-OHDA-treated, n = 7; unpaired t
test, P > 0.5). (Lower) Comparison
of the average amplitude of sEPSCs recorded from striatal neurons
obtained from young WT (n = 6), mature WT
(n = 7), and mature D2KO (n =
7) mice. Note that there are no significant differences between young
WT and mature WT (unpaired t test, P
> 0.2), or between mature WT and mature D2KO mice (unpaired
t test, P > 0.1).
(B) Comparison of the cumulative amplitude distributions
of sEPSCs between young WT (n = 5, thin line) and
mature WT mice (n = 5, thick line). There are 100
events in each line. Note that there is overlap of the amplitude
distributions of sEPSCs from young WT and mature WT mice.