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. 2001 Spring;3(2):85–93.

Table 1.

Advantages, Disadvantages, and Potential Uses of Currently Tested Bladder Cancer Markers

Marker Advantages Disadvantages Potential Uses
Cytology High specificity, high sensitivity Low sensitivity for low-grade TCC; Screening for recurrence in patients
for high-grade TCC subject to interpreter variability; 24 with history of bladder cancer
hours for results
BTA stat Fast, inexpensive; can be done in Low specificity with benign May be useful in combination
office setting; high sensitivity for genitourinary conditions; non- with another marker
all tumors grades/stages; high urothelial malignancies; recent
specificity in the healthy intravesicle therapy or bladder/
prostate manipulation
BTA TRAK High sensitivity for all tumor Same as BTA stat Predict likelihood of recurrence
grades/stages; good specificity using serially measured levels
in the healthy; quantitative
NMP22 High sensitivity for all tumor Specificity lower than cytology Predict tumor stage and likelihood of
grades/ stages; quantitative recurrence; can utilize high negative
predictive value to individualize
surveillance schedule
Telomerase High sensitivity for all tumor Instability in urine has yielded Potentially replaces cytology as first-
grades/stages; equal/ better dramatically different results in line surveillance for recurrence; can
specificity than cytology different studies; not widely available be used for screening the high-risk
or general population; can possibly
predict likelihood of recurrence
HA/HAase High sensitivity and specificity for Not widely available Potentially replaces cytology as
all tumor grades and stages and in first-line surveillance for recurrence;
the presence of other genitourinary can be used for screening the
conditions; can distinguish between high-risk or general population
high-low-grade tumors
FDP Fast, inexpensive; can be done in Lower specificity than cytology, May be useful in combination
office setting; higher sensitivity especially in the presence of benign with another marker
than cytology for low-grade tumors genitourinary conditions
CK20 High sensitivity for all tumor Very few studies have been done; Can potentially detect pre-malignant
grades and stages; high specificity results not yet confirmed disease; predict likelihood of
in the healthy recurrence