Table 1.
Pairs of yeast vectors containing the various indicated test constructs were cotransfected into Y190 yeast, plated onto both −Leu/−Trp and −Leu/−Trp/−His media, and allowed to grow for 7 d
Test pairs | Plating efficiency on −Leu/−Trp/−His medium | β-gal activity |
2301–980 pAS2-1/1801–517 pACT2 | ++ | ++ |
2301–700 pAS2-1/1801–517 pACT2 | ++ | ++ |
2301–555 pAS2-1/1801–517 pACT2 | − | − |
230171–980 pAS2-1/1801–517 pACT2 | − | − |
230979–1811 pAS2-1/1801–517 pACT2 | − | − |
2301812–2649 pAS2-1/1801–517 pACT2 | − | − |
2301–980 pAS2-1/1801–484 pACT2 | ++ | ++ |
2301–980 pAS2-1/18039–517 pACT2 | ++ | ++ |
2301–980 pAS2-1/18039–461 pACT2 | ++ | ++ |
2301–980 pAS2-1/18039–179 pACT2 | − | − |
2301–980 pAS2-1/180183–517 pACT2 | ++ | ++ |
β4723–1752 pAS2-1/1801–517 pACT2 | ++ | ++ |
β4723–1752 pAS2-1/2301–980 pACT2 | + | + |
β4723–1752 pAS2-1/230979–1811 pACT2 | − | − |
β4723–1752 pAS2-1/2301812–2649 pACT2 | ++ | ++ |
β4723–1489 pAS2-1/1801–517 pACT2 | ++ | ++ |
β4723–1489 pAS2-1/2301–980 pACT2 | − | − |
β4723–1489 pAS2-1/230979–1811 pACT2 | − | − |
β4723–1489 pAS2-1/2301812–2649 pACT2 | − | − |
Plating efficiency on −Leu/−Trp/−His medium is expressed relative to that on −Leu/−Trp medium. ++, +, and − indicate plating efficiencies of >50%, <15%, and 0%, respectively. Colonies that grew on the restrictive plates were transferred to nylon sheets. These sheets were then placed on β-galactosidase-soaked filters, and the ability of the yeast colonies to turn blue was assessed. To assay for β-galactosidase activity in transfected yeast that was unable to develop on −Leu/−Trp/−His medium, colonies that grew on −Leu/−Trp medium were analyzed. ++ indicates colonies that turned intensely blue, whereas + indicates colonies that turned weakly blue at 6 h of development. Each pair was tested at least three times for plating efficiency on the restrictive −Leu/−Trp/−His medium and in the β-galactosidase assay.