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. 2006 May;44(5):1733–1739. doi: 10.1128/JCM.44.5.1733-1739.2006


Analysis of cases with negative HCII but positive HPV Blot results for the 26 non-HCII HPV typesa

Case Cytological finding HPV type(s) HPV type determined by:
Direct sequencing Other verification method
13 Negative CP8304 CP8304 NA
36 Negative CP8304, 37, 53 CP8304 NA
57 Negative MM8 MM8 NA
77 Negative 70 70 NA
84 Normal 33, 61, 70 61 61b NA
134 Negative MM8 MM8 NA
164 ASCUS CP8061 CP8061 CP8061b Negative
173 Negative 26 26 NA
179 ASCUS 77 NAc 77b NA
191 ASCUS 53 53 NA
301d LSIL MM8, 53 NA 53b NA
302 Negative 53 NA 53b NA
327 ASCUS 42 42 NA
329 Negative 69 NA 69b NA
335 ASCUS 53 53 NA

n = 15. The 26 non-HCII HPV types were HPV-6, -11, -26, -32, -37, -42, -43, -44, -53, -54, -55, -61, -62, -66, -67, -69, -70, -72, -74, -82, -CP8061, -CP8304, -L1AE5, -MM4, -MM7, -MM8. New carcinogenic and probably carcinogenic types are shown in boldface type.


Paraffin-embedded cervical biopsy tissue for HPV genotyping using HPV Blot.


NA, not applicable. The amount of PCR product was insufficient for direct sequencing.


Follow-up 6 months later showed that the sample was HCII positive and HPV Blot MM8 and 53 positive.