FIG. 4.
Evidence for the presence of translocation signals in VipD, VpdA, and VpdB. Bone marrow-derived macrophages were infected at an MOI of 2 for 1 hour with ΔsidC strains containing plasmids expressing either full-length sidC (psidC/pZL199; panel A); fusions of the 3′ end of sidCΔ100 to full-length vipD (psidCΔ100-vipD/pSV88; panel B), vpdA (psidCΔ100-vpdA/pSV78; panel C), or vpdB (psidCΔ100-vpdB/pSV77; panel D); or sidC lacking the region encoding the carboxy-terminal 100 amino acids (psidCΔ100/pZL204; panel E). Triplicate coverslips for each strain were scored for SidC staining surrounding the L. pneumophila-containing vacuole, and 100 bacteria found in singly infected macrophages were scored on each coverslip (panel F). Displayed are the means and standard deviations for each sample.