Table 1.
Overview of methods. The match model is the consensus representation of a single motif, motif combination is how the component scores of a composite motif are combined, and distance score is how the conservation of inter-motif distances within a composite motif is modeled.
Weeder [42] | mismatch | - | - |
Dyad analysis [35] | oligos | dyad1 | constraint |
MCAST [71] | PWM | sum | gap penalty |
REDUCE [67] | PWM | dyad | constraint2 |
MDScan [87] | PWM | - | - |
Gibbs sampler [97] | PWM | intersection3 | uniform |
MEME [98] | PWM | - | - |
LOGOS [73] | DM | HMM | distribution |
Motif regressor [89] | PWM | - | - |
ModuleSearcher [70] | PWM | sum | window4 |
Stubb [48] | PWM | HMM | window |
GANN [60] | flexible | ANN5 | window |
ANN-Spec [86] | PWM | - | - |
(Wasserman) [58] | PWM | Logistic regr. | window |
CoBind [68] | PWM | sum | window |
Cister [72] | PWM | HMM | distribution |
SeSiMCMC [122] | PWM | - | - |
SMILE [40, 123] | mismatch | intersection | constraint |
BioProspector [49] | PWM | sum | constraint |
(Segal) [94] | PWM | - | - |
(Sinha) [33] | reg.exp | dyad | constraint |
ConsecID [56] | PWM | intersection | window |
SCORE [69] | IUPAC | intersection | window |
Gibbs recursive [52] | PWM | mixture model | distribution |
(Hong) [95] | PWM | - | - |
AlignACE [124] | PWM | - | - |
Improbizer [117] | PWM | - | - |
CisModule [119] | PWM | mixture model | mixture model |
(Thompson) [66] | PWM | Markov model | constraint |
1Two single motifs that both have to occur
2Separate constraints on each inter-motif distance
3Several single motifs that all have to occur
4All single motifs have to occur within a sequence window of restricted length
5Artificial neural network