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. 2005;2005:500–504.

Table 1.

Summary of patient findings included in the revised probabilistic reasoning module. All additions are listed in italics. TGRI = tenderness, guarding, rebound, ileus. XR = X-ray. IVP = Intravenous Pyelogram. (L) = left. (R) = right. NG = nasogastric.

(L) chest wound present distended neck veins
(R) chest wound present stridor
(L) decreased breath sounds (L) tracheal deviation
(R) decreased breath sounds (R) tracheal deviation
Hemoptysis odynophagia
Shock + lavage results for blood
muffled heart sounds blood in NG tube
weak arm pulses TGRI
weak leg pulses distended abdomen
+ IVP for left renal injury free air in abdomen
+ IVP for right renal injury + XR: lacerated diaphragm