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. 2005 Nov 10;570(Pt 3):437–444. doi: 10.1113/jphysiol.2005.097238

Figure 2. Identification and targeting of pre-BötC neurones within the ventrolateral medulla of perinatal rats.

Figure 2

A, an illustration in sagittal view of the primary structures in the ventrolateral medulla along the rostral (R)–caudal (C) axis. B, immunolabelling for NK1R (green) in E17 sagittal section of the ventrolateral medulla. The dotted circle demarcates the approximate area of the pre-BötC (calibration bar = 100 µm). C, photomicrograph of medullary slice preparation used for whole-cell recordings. D, IR-DIC image of the ventrolateral medulla with recording electrode positioned in the vicinity of the pre-BötC. E, neurone within the pre-BötC that has been fluorescently tagged via the internalization of TMR-conjugated SubP. F, whole-cell recording of membrane potential from a Tetramethylrhodamine (TMR)-SubP-positive neurone and simultaneous recording of integrated XII nerve inspiratory activity before and during block of rhythmic activity by bath application of CNQX. The neurone continues to burst after application of CNQX, consistent with it having pacemaker properties. Abbreviations: VII, facial nucleus; NAc, nucleus ambiguus, pars compacta; NAsc, nucleus ambiguus, semicompact NA, nucleus ambiguus; RTN, retrotrapezoid nucleus; pFRG, parafacial respiratory group; BötC, Bötzinger complex; pre-BötC, pre-Bötzinger complex; rVRG, rostral ventral respiratory group; LRN, lateral reticular nucleus.