Suppression of the gic1 gic2 double mutant by multicopy MSB3 or MSB4. (A) Suspensions of strain CCY1024–19C harboring plasmid pSM217 (control), pCC1107 (MSB3), pCC1108 (MSB4), pCC904 (GIC1), or pCC967 (GIC2) were spotted on YPD plates and incubated for 2 days at the indicated temperatures. (B–E) Cells of strain CCY1024–19C containing plasmid pSM217 (B), pCC904 (C), pCC1107 (D), or pCC1108 (E) were grown to exponential phase in SD+Ade+Trp+casamino acids medium at 26°C and then shifted to 37°C for 4 h before fixation and examination by DIC microscopy. B–E are printed at the same magnification.