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. 2006 May 17;4:11. doi: 10.1186/1478-4491-4-11

Table 1.

Profile of community health workers in a Quechua region, Ayacucho, Peru

Health promoters (n = 100) Traditional birth attendants (n= 55) Traditional healers (n = 16)
Male (%) 84% 62% 75%
Age in years average (mode) 29 (25) 52 (58) 52 (57)
Age range 19–57 36–89 30–70
Drop-out rate (%) 24 (24%) 1 (3%) 2 (16.6%)
Years of activity average (range) 3.11 (1–8) 16.4 (2–42) 17.8 (4–40)
Education level (%)
Illiterate 1 41.8 75
Incomplete primary school 48 52.8 25
Complete primary school 18 -- --
Incomplete high school 26 3.6 --
Complete high school 8 -- --
Higher education (university or technical school) -- 1.8 --