Table 1.
Description of model variables and parameters
Symbol | Units | Description |
Variables | ||
R* (R) | # | Number of photoactivated (inactive) rhodopsin molecules at time t |
E* | # | Number of activated PDE catalytic subunits per rod at time t |
g | μM | Concentration of free outer segment (OS) cGMP |
c | μM | Concentration of intracellular free OS Ca2+ at time t |
cb | μM | Concentration of Ca2+ bound to dynamic Ca2+ buffer at time t |
F | # | Normalized circulating current at time t |
Parameters | ||
τR | s | Time constant for first-order inactivation of R* |
τE | s | Time constant for first-order inactivation of E* (E* = G*·PDE*) |
νrp | s−1 | Rate of production of E* per R* |
cdark | μM | Dark resting concentration of free intracellular Ca2+ |
fse | # | Suction-electrode collecting efficiency |
Jex | pA | Na+/Ca2+-K+ exchange current |
Jex,dark | pA | Na+/Ca2+-K+ exchange current in the dark |
Jex,sat | pA | Saturated magnitude of Na+/Ca2+-K+ exchange current |
Kex | μM | Cai2+ giving rise to half-maximal exchange current |
c0 | μM | Minimum value of free OS Ca2+ (Ca2+ floor) |
γCa | s−1 | Rate constant of Ca2+ extrusion by exchanger |
Vcyto | pL | Effective volume of rod OS |
Fca | # | Fraction of inward circulating current carried by Ca2+ |
b | μMs−1 pA−1 | Converts Ca2+ influx to current. Note: For Vcyto = 1 pL, Fca = 0.193 b |
BCa | # | Instantaneous Ca2+-buffering power of the rod OS |
k1 | μM−1 s−1 | On-rate constant for binding of Ca2+ to dynamic Ca2+ buffer |
k2 | s−1 | Off-rate constant for unbinding of Ca2+ from dynamic Ca2+ buffer |
et | μM | Total concentration of dynamic Ca2+ buffer |
gdark | μM | Resting cytoplasmic concentration of free cGMP in the dark |
Amas | μMs−1 | Maximum activity of guanylate cyclase |
βdark | s− | Rate constant of cGMP hydrolysis (by E*) in the dark |
βsub | s−1 | Rate constant of a catalytic PDE subunit in a well-stirred volume |
Kc | μM | Concentration of Ca2+ at which cyclase activity is half-maximal |
nca | # | Hill coefficient for Ca2+ modulation of cGMP synthesis via cyclase |
ncg | # | Hill coefficient for opening of cGMP-gated channels by cGMP |
Jdark | pA | Dark circulating current |
Fdark | pA | Normalized circulating current in the dark |