Fig. 2.
Linkage disequilibrium (LD) results from graphical overview of linkage disequilibrium (GOLD) (10). The key shows the color scale representing increasing D′ from dark blue (D′ < 0.1) through to red (D′ > 0.9). Markers shown from left to right areas follows: 1, IFN-α-R2-hCV2443221; 2, IFN-α-R2-hCV11354048; 3, IFN-α-R2-rs2300370; 4, IFN-α-R2-rs2448412; 5, IFN-α-R2-rs3153; 6, IFN-α-R2-F8S; 7, IFN-α-R2-F10V; 8, IFN-α-R2-A285T; 9, IL-10RB-K47E; 10, IL-10RB-CA1; 11, IL-10RB-CA2; 12, IL-10RB-1165; 13, IL-10RB-1797; 14, IFN-α-R1-(-408); 15, IFN-α-R1-GT; 16, IFN-α-R1–17470; 17, IFN-α-R1-L168V; 18, IFN-α-R1-IVS; 19, IFN-α-R1–30715; 20, IFN-γ-R2-R64Q; 21, IFN-γ-R2–2080; and 22, IFN-γ-R2–2087.