Myogenic miRs. (A) Time course of miR-1 and miR-206 induction during C2C12 myogenesis. Total RNA from C2C12 cells in GM or DM for zero (d0), one (d1), two (d2), three (d3), or four (d4) days was subject to Northern blot analysis with a 32P end-labeled miR-1, miR-206, or U6 probe. 33P-labeled 10-bp RNA ladder (Ambion) is shown on the left. The miR-1 blot (Top) was stripped and reprobed sequentially for miR-206 (Middle) and U6 (Bottom). Mature and precursor microRNAs are labeled with an arrow and an arrowhead, respectively. (B) Same as in A except that a new set of samples was probed with a 32P end-labeled miR-133 probe, stripped, and reprobed with a 32P end-labeled U6 probe. (C) RNA was isolated from growing, undifferentiated primary human myoblasts in SkGM2 proliferation media (U) or from primary human myoblasts differentiated for 2 weeks in 2% horse serum-containing media (D). The position of the microRNA is indicated on the left. The membrane first was probed with miR-1, stripped, and subsequently probed for miR-133, miR-206 and U6 as indicated below the blots. 33P-labeled 10-bp RNA ladder (Ambion) is shown on the left for the miR-1 blot. (D) Myogenin induction (by using quantitative RT-PCR) in the differentiated sample indicates efficient differentiation of the primary human myoblasts along the skeletal myogenic lineage. The same RNA samples was used for C and D.