(A–D) Ectopic laminin-332 and increased integrin α6β4 expression is associated with cysts. Laminin-332 is deposited in cyst BMs at 3 weeks of age (A), but is absent from controls (B). Integrins α6 (C) and β4 (D), which comprise the major receptor for laminin-332, are variably upregulated in cyst epithelia in Lama5neo/neo kidneys. Scale bars: 100 μm. (E–J) Primary cilia are present in Lama5neo/neo kidneys. In Lama5neo/neo kidney, antibody to acetylated α-tubulin identifies cilia in normal (E) as well as cystic (G) tubules in Lama5neo/neo, similar to wild-type (F). (H) Negative control with no primary antibody. (I and J) Ultrastucture of a primary cilium within a cyst (I) and in wild-type (J). Scale bars in: A–D, 100 μm; E–H, 20 μm; I–J, 800 nm.