Genome coordinates of the amplified regions
Tuc2009 orf | Genome coordinates | Protein product |
orf45 | 23727-24224 | MTP2009 |
orf46 | 24340-24657 | gpG2009 |
orf47 | 24714-25034 | gpT2009 |
orf48 | 25049-28126 (26217-28123)a | TMP2009 |
orf49 | 28136-28897 | Dit2009 |
orf50 | 28897-31617 (28897-29437)a | Tal2009 |
orf51 | 31630-32598 | BppU2009 |
orf52 | 32600-33460 | BppA2009 |
orf53 | 33479-34000 | BppL2009 |
orf54 | 34013-34237 | None assigned |
orf55 | 34250-36280 | NPS2009 |
Parentheses indicate sections of the gene that were PCR amplified and cloned in pQE60.