Summary diagram and phylogenetic interpretation of data collected in the current study. Shown are the various major divisions of the MTC segregated according to the presence or absence of the investigated inter-, intra-, and lineage-specific polymorphisms. Not included are most strain-specific SNPs and LSPs that were identified, as well as the potentially novel RD loci that were noted but not characterized in this study. Circles are placed at points in evolutionary history beyond which each strain that was evaluated possessed a consistent set of polymorphisms. The circles are numbered in the figure to denote the following: circle 1, RD12can, hsp65631, gyrBcan, mmpL61879, oxyR183, pncA138, Rv0911249, RD13255, and aroA91; 2, PPE55can; 3, TbD1; 4, N-RD25tbA; 5, RD1tbB; 6, N-RD25tbB; 7, pks15/1 (7-bp deletion) and katG463; 8, aroA117; 9, gyrA95; 10, RD9 and gyrBΔ (1450G→T); 11, RD713, TbD1197, and aroA285; 12, RD711; 13, RD7, RD8, RD10, pks15/1 (6-bp deletion), 3′ cfp32311, RD13174, PPE552148, and PPE552154; 14, Rv15101129; 15, RD701, RD702, and hsp65540; 16, rpoB1163; 17, rpoB1049; 18, RD1das, N-RD25das, 3′cfp32224, and Rv0911389; 19, mmpL6551; 20, gyrBoryx, TbD1171, PPE552162, and PPE552163; 21, MiD3 and RD13380; 22, gyrBmic, 16S rRNA1234, and RD1367; 23, 16S rRNA1249 and RD13228; 24, RD12, RD13, N-RD25bovis/cap, gyrBΔ (756G→A), and oxyR285; 25, gyrBΔ (1311T→G); 26, RD4, gyrBΔ (1410C→T), and pncA169; and 27, RD1BCG. Note that distances are arbitrary and do not reflect the number of phylogenetically relevant polymorphisms present at each juncture. Although not evaluated in this study, as discussed in the text, data suggest that the −215 narGHJI SNP would also occupy circle 3. The loss of spoligotype spacers 33 to 36 may additionally correlate with circle 7, the absence of spacers 9 and 39 with circle 10, the deletion of spacers 40 to 43 with an event subsequent to divergence of the oryx bacillus putatively at circle X, and the deletion of spacers 3 and 16 with circle 24 of the above-proposed phylogeny (8, 40, 43, 55, 83).