Figure 8.
Cas and YP-Cas are developmentally associated with N-cadherin, NCAM120, or NCAM140/180 in mouse cerebella. (A) Cas and YP-Cas were coimmunoprecipitated with N-cadherin and NCAM in postnatal developing mouse cerebella. Equal amounts of protein lysate from the P0, P3, P7, P12, and P21 mouse cerebella were immunoprecipitated by antibodies against N-cadherin, NCAM120, or NCAM140/180. The immunoprecipitants were immunoblotted by the antibody against Cas. The same immunoprecipated protein blots were reused for immunoreaction with the antibody against YP-Cas. (B) Confocal images of colocalization of Cas (Red) with N-cadherin and NCAM140/180 (green) in the growth cones of cultured cerebellar granule cells (DIV1).