Figure 7.
Dependence of Cwp1p localization on normal septum formation. Strains (A) M-272 (gin4Δ/gin4Δ), (B) DDY181-2D (chs3-Δ1), (C), KNY1048 (chs6Δ/chs6Δ bud7Δ/bud7Δ ymr237wΔ/ymr237wΔ ykr027wΔ/ykr027wΔ), (D) AM775 (chs5Δ/chs5Δ), and (E) ICY028 (chs2Δ/chs2Δ) were transformed with plasmid pGS-GFP-CWP1-low and examined for the localization of GFP-Cwp1p. KNY1048 and ICY028 were grown at 30°C. Long arrows, birth scars; short arrows, fluorescent daughter sides of septa; arrowheads, GFP-Cwp1p spread through an elongated neck (A) or on both sides of an aberrant septum (E).