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. 2000 Apr;11(4):1401–1419. doi: 10.1091/mbc.11.4.1401

Table 3.

emb-30 alleles

Class Allelesa Phenotype
I tn471b, tn472b, tn473, tn475b, tn476b, tn478, tn479, tn480b, tn493 Zygotic sterile; germline and somatic metaphase-to-anaphase transition defects
II tn477 Maternal-effect lethal; embryos arrest at the one-cell stage and fail to complete the metaphase-to-anaphase transition during MI; smg suppressible
 A tn377tsb Maternal-effect lethal at 25°C; temperature-shifted embryos show defects in germline proliferation (Glp); germ cells fail to complete the metaphase-to-anaphase transition during meiosis or mitosis
 B g53tsc, ax69tsc Meiosis defective; incompletely penetrant and variably expressed
 A tn481 Viable; some sterility; fails to complement tn377ts for Mel and Glp phenotypes at 25°C
 B tn474d, tn494e Viable; fails to complement tn377ts for the Mel phenotype, but complements for the Glp phenotype.
V tnDf2 Embryonic lethalf

References: tn alleles (this work); g53ts (Cassada et al., 1981); ax69ts (Wallenfang, Seydoux, Shakes, and Golden, personal communication). The molecular lesions in the mutant alleles are shown in Figure 7. Seven maternal-effect lethal mutations described initially as emb-30 alleles (t1446, t1450, t1497, t1593, t1600, t1615, t1617; Gönczy et al., 1999) were misassigned (our unpublished results; Schnabel, personal communication). 


Tested and found not to be smg suppressible. 


The original emb-30(g53ts)-containing strain (GG53) was described as having an Unc phenotype at 16°C (Cassada et al., 1981). After outcrossing, this phenotype was not observed. 


The Mel phenotype of tn474/tn377ts heterozygotes is smg suppressible. 


The Mel phenotype of tn494/tn377ts heterozygotes is incompletely penetrant. 


Deletes emb-30, ced-7, and sqv-3 (see Figure 6).