Interaction between human αvβ3 and the disintegrin domain of ADAM 23. (A) Purified αvβ3 integrin and Sepharose beads containing recombinant ADAM 23-GST were incubated in a Mn-containing buffer. After repeated washings, the presence of bound αvβ3 was analyzed by SDS-PAGE of proteins solubilized from Sepharose beads after treatment with Laemmli denaturing buffer. Staining was carried out with silver nitrate. (B) Western blot analysis of the solubilized material from Sepharose beads using antibodies anti-αv, anti-β3, and anti-β1. M, molecular weight markers (indicated at the left). Lane 1, 300 ng of αvβ3, α1β1, or α5β1; lane 2, beads incubated with the indicated integrins; lane 3, beads containing recombinant ADAM 23-GST (500 ng) incubated with the integrins; lane 4, beads containing GST incubated with the indicated integrins.