Epistasis relationships of a Gpi11p-deficient strain determined from lipid accumulation phenotypes of gpi11:: LEU2-pPIG-F harboring additional mutations in the gpi1 or gpi8 genes. Strains were pulse labeled with [3H]inositol at 25 and 37°C as described in the legend of Figure 4A. (A) Lipids from the gpi1:: URA3 (lanes 1 and 2), gpi11:: LEU2-pPIG-F (lanes 3 and 4), and gpi1:: URA3/gpi11:: LEU2-pPIG-F (lanes 5 and 6) strains, separated by TLC using solvent C. (B) Lipids from wild-type (WT; lanes 1 and 2), gpi11:: LEU2-pPIG-F (lanes 3 and 4), gpi8 (lanes 5 and 6), and gpi8/gpi11:: LEU2-pPIG-F (lanes 7 and 8) strains, separated in solvent B. The positions of lipids 11-1, 11-2, CP1, and CP2 are indicated.