Hmg2p degradation is HRD dependent and UBC6 independent. (A) Cycloheximide–chase assay of strains expressing 1myc-Hmg2p in a wild-type (RHY1611), hrd1Δ (RHY1626), hrd2-1 (RHY1628), hrd3Δ (RHY1631), and ubc7Δ (RHY1633) genetic background. After addition of cycloheximide, lysates were prepared at the indicated times and immunoblotted with the 9E10 anti-myc antibody. (B) Cycloheximide–chase assay of strains expressing 1myc-Hmg2p in a wild-type (RHY1611), ubc6Δ (RHY1723), and ubc7Δ (RHY1633) genetic background. (C) Fluorescence histogram of strains expressing Hmg2p–GFP in a wild-type (RHY871), hrd1Δ (RHY880), ubc7Δ (RHY1056), and hrd1Δubc7Δ (RHY1486) genetic background. Strains were analyzed directly from early log-phase cultures. Each histogram represents 10,000 cells.