Isolate | Donor status | Gender-specific IgG recognition of VSAa | Parity-dependent antibody recognition of VSAb | Presence of autologous VSA IgG (reference) |
M1002 | Pregnant | Complete | NDc | No |
M1003 | Pregnant | Yes | Yes (P = 0.004) | Yes |
M1106 | Pregnant | Yes | Yes (P = 0.004) | Yes |
M4102 | Pregnant | Complete | Yes (P = 0.0005) | No |
M4129 | Pregnant | Complete | Yes (P < 0.0001) | ND |
M4608 | Pregnant | Complete | ND | Yes |
M5201 | Pregnant | Yes | Yes (P = 0.0007) | ND |
M7201 | Pregnant | Complete | Yes (P < 0.0001) | ND |
E2039 | Child | No | No (P = 0.07)d | No (14) |
Complete, complete lack of recognition of VSA by IgG in plasma from exposed men; yes, VSA-specific IgG was present in plasma from exposed males but at lower levels than in plasma from exposed women; no, VSA-specific IgG was present in plasma from both exposed men and exposed women (levels were higher in plasma from men).
P values indicate the statistical significance of the correlation between VSA-specific IgG levels and the parity of the plasma donor (Pearson product moment correlation).
ND, not done.
Trend towards decreasing recognition with increasing parity.