Figure 5.
Plastoglobule Cluster.
(A) Tomographic models showing the location and organization of plastoglobules (pg) from an isolated senescing spinach chloroplast. The plastoglobules are associated with areas of high membrane curvature. gt, grana thylakoid; st, stroma thylakoid.
(B) to (E) Four groups of interconnected plastoglobules in the large cluster as demonstrated in the following models: four plastoglobules linked linearly (B); two single plastoglobules blistering from a stroma thylakoid membrane (C); four linked plastoglobules in a kinked configuration (D); and seven plastoglobules linked together, also in a kinked configuration (E). Note that in (B), (D), and (E), the arrows point to the connecting sites between the plastoglobule and the thylakoid membrane.