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. 2006 Jul;80(13):6612–6620. doi: 10.1128/JVI.00157-06


Crystallization and data collection

Data set CTD1 CTD2 CTD3 NTD1
Crystallization condition PEG 4000, 28.75% to 29.5%, pH 4.8 citrate, 0.1 M MgCl2
30% PEG 4000, 100 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.6, 800 mM LiCl 4.3M NaCl, 0.1 M Tris-Cl, pH 8.5 25% PEG 4000, 100 mM MES sodium salt, pH 6.2, 200 mM MgCl2
X-ray source SBC-CAT 19ID advanced photon source (Argonne)
BIOCARS-14BM-C advanced photon source (Argonne) ID14-4, ESRF (Grenoble) BIOCARS-14BM-C advanced photon source (Argonne)
Wavelength 0.97937 Å (360°, 1° oscillation) 0.97951 Å (360°, 1° oscillation) 0.9000 Å (180°, 1° oscillation) 0.97626 Å (70°, 1° oscillation) 0.9000 Å (180°, 1° oscillation)
Cell parameters (Å) P2(1)2(1)2(1), a = 38.39, b = 65.94, c = 92.31, α = β = γ = 90
P2(1)2(1)2, a = 108.99, b = 128.53, c = 71.44, α = β = γ = 90 P4(3), a = 61.59, b = 61.59, c = 91.88, α = β = γ = 90 C2, a = 100.06, b = 46.21, c = 74.18, α = 90, β = 121.06, γ = 90
Resolution (Å) 50-2.0
50-2.2 20-2.6 50-1.3
Total no. of reflections 15,139 28,037 97,377 31,078 204,381
Number of molecules in ASU (solvent fraction) 2 (33%) 8 (41.8%) 2 (58.4%) 2 (66%)
Completeness (%) 96 (68.9) 97.9 (85.5) 99.7 (98.8) 90.6 (90.5) 87.9 (60.5)
Redundancya 11 (8.2) 5.3 (3.2) 3.4 (3.1) 1.65 (1.66) 3.3 (2.6)
Rmergeb 0.072 (0.282) 0.076 (0.358) 0.081 (0.588) 0.079 (0.417) 0.056 (0.227)
I/σ(I) 28.80 (0.73) 29.32 (3.67) 16.23 (2.83) 13.59 (3.1) 49.3 (13.3)

The numbers in parentheses refer to the last (highest) resolution shell.


Rmerge = ΣhΣiIhi − 〈Ih〉/Σh,i Ihi, where Ihi is the ith observation of the reflection h, while 〈Ih〉 is its mean intensity.