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Summary of marburgvirus diagnostic test results for samples sent to CDC from Angola in March 2005

Specimen no. (last four digits) Patient age Specimen type Diagnostic test results
Aga IgM IgG Q-RT-PCRb Virus isolationc IHC staining
1377 12 yr Serum ++ + NDd
1378 16 mo Serum ++ + ND
1379 8 mo Serum +++ ++++ + ND
1380 3 yr Serum ++ ++++ + ND
1381 9 mo Serum +++ + ND
1382 NAe Serum ND
1383 NA Serum ND
1384 NA Serum ND
1385 24 yr Serum + + ND
1386 5 yr Serum + ++ + ND
1387 5 yr Serum +++ + ND
1388 NA Serum + ++ ND
1411f 51 yr Blood +++ + ND
1412f 51 yr Serum ++ + ND
1413 NA Skin ND ND ND ND ND +

Antigen capture assay. +++, sum optical density (23) of greater than 2.0; ++, sum optical density of 1.0 to 2.0; +, sum optical density of 0.45 (threshold) to 1.0.


++++, CT values of less than 20; +++, CT values of 20 to 25; ++, CT values of 25 to 30; +, CT values of 30 to 35.


Virus isolations were considered positive after cultures of Vero E6 cells showed cytopathic effect and subsequent scrapes were positive by immunofluorescence assay.


ND, not determined.


NA, not available.


Case in the capital, Luanda.