Selectivity of slowly activating outward current
determined by tail-current measurement. A, The current was activated by
stepping the voltage from holding potential of −41 to 79 mV and then
stepping down to the potentials from 39 to −81 mV. Bath solution was:
10 mm KCl, 1 mm CaCl2 and
type I pipette solution. B, Tail-current-voltage curves of a protoplast
in 10 mm and 1 mm KCl solutions.
ECl was 54 and 89 mV in 10
mm and 1 mm KCl solutions,
respectively. C, Erev plotted as a function
of external concentrations of K+. The data were
means of protoplasts measured (the number of protoplasts is given in
bracket for each point; error bars are the se).
The dashed line represents equilibrium potential for
K+ (EK). D, Tail
current, taken as the difference between the amplitude of the tail
current immediately after the decay of the capacitance current and the
steady current, plotted against voltages of one protoplast in 10
mm cation solutions.