Analysis of fast-activating channel currents
in outside-out patches. A, Two separate current responses as a function
of time illustrating rapid activation of channels subjected to voltage
clamp pulses to 120 mV from a holding potential of −100 mV. B,
Amplitude histogram (solid line) generated by transition/amplitude
(TRAMP) on data such as that shown in A. Current transitions
with a dI/dt greater than a threshold value were excluded and mean
levels were calculated so long as dI/dt remained below the threshold
(Tyerman et al., 1992). Fitted to the data (dotted line) is the sum of
11 Gausian distributions with the same sd and using the
mean current measured using nonstationary noise analysis (5.16 pA) but
with variable n. C and D, Fast voltage ramps were used to
obtain current as a function of voltage when channels were open and
closed in 1 mm KCl (C, seven patches/ramps) or 10
mm KCl (D, four patches/ramps). The subtracted
curves are shown as a function of voltage (dashed lines). Some ramps
were from negative to positive voltage where the channel currents
captured reversed at the same voltage as for positive to negative going
ramps. Also shown are the currents obtained from nonstationary noise
analysis (▪) with a cubic polynomial regression in A (solid
line). Single-channel currents resolved for inward current in 10
mm KCl are also shown for one patch (●) with a
fitted cubic polynomial. The external solution contained 1
mm CaCl2 and 5 MES, pH 6.0;
pipette solution was type I. Data were either filtered at 1 kHz and
sampled at 2 kHz or filtered at 2 kHz and sampled at 5 kHz.