FIG. 1.
(a) Schematic representation of the gene structure of BFDV and the capsid protein derivatives used in this study. The CPs (gray boxes) had a His6 affinity tag and the TEV protease recognition site (white boxes) fused to their N termini. The section of CP corresponding to the putative NLSs is indicated by a solid black box. Residues constituting the potential bipartite NLSs are indicated by asterisks. Thin black lines represent the deleted sections in each of the truncated derivatives. Insect cells were either mock infected or infected with the indicated recombinant baculoviruses. Cell lysates were fractionated 60 h p.i. on a 12% SDS-polyacrylamide gel (b) followed by Western blotting using Tetra-His mouse monoclonal IgG1 (c). Lanes 1, mock-infected cells; lanes 2, wt CP; lanes 3, CP ΔN25; lanes 4, CP ΔN40; lanes 5, CP ΔN56; lanes 6, CP ΔC64; lanes 7, CAT; lanes M, molecular size markers.