Figure 6.
Unaffected transcript levels of carotenoid biosynthesis genes despite antisense expression of psy1, psy2, and pds. Poly(A+) RNA was isolated from mature leaves of 7-week-old transgenic tobacco plants from the greenhouse. mRNA of lines PSY1−02, 03, 12, 15, and 39; lines PSY2−04, 06, 17, 22, and 32; and PDS−13, 24, 30, 35, and 47 was subjected to quantitative RT-PCR using specific primers and probes for quantification of carotenoid biosynthesis genes psy1, psy2, pds, zds, and lcyb based on calibration with in vitro transcribed RNA of the respective genes. Transcript concentrations (conc.) are represented as mean values of each set (PSY1−, PSY2−, and PDS−) of five plants. Error bars represent 2 sd as calculated from errors of quantitative RT-PCR, dilution, and determination of total mRNA concentration.