Scatchard plots of ABA-binding activities to the
crude (a) and purified (b) proteins. B, 3H-ABA
bound; F, 3H-ABA free. For the crude proteins
(a), all points except for the first two were fitted with a linear
relationship (r2 = 0.98), and according to
the Scatchard plot, the maximum binding activity
(Bmax) and the equilibrium dissociation
constant (Kd) were calculated:
Bmax = 68 nmol g−1
protein and Kd = 19
nm. The fitted relationship of the purified
protein (b) was also linear (r2 = 0.99)
with Bmax = 0.87 mol mol
−1 protein and Kd =
21 nm. Points represent the means ±
sd of five determinations.