Phylogenetic analysis of TTV ViPi04 based on full-length or near-full-length sequences. The branching pattern of the trees was obtained by the FastME algorithm included in DAMBE program (version 4.2.13). Bootstrap resampling was used to test the robustness of the tree, and bootstrap values of >900 out of 1,000 replicates are shown at the branch points. The tree was drawn by using Treeview (version 1.6.6). ViPi04 (indicated in boldface; accession number DQ361268) is 3,774 nucleotides in size and has a genetic organization (i.e., UTR length, presence of conserved motifs, number and presumed transcriptional profile of open reading frames) similar to what reported for other group 2 TTV isolates (5). The numbers in boldface around the tree indicate TTV genogroups according to Biagini et al. (2). The scale bar represents a 10% genetic difference.