FIG. 1.
Detection (A) in GASN medium with the HPLC program 2 of Fe-PVD and Fe-YBT produced by P. syringae pv. tomato LMG 5093 and (B) in King's medium B with the HPLC program 3 of Fe-YBT produced by E. coli ECOR 10. For each strain, an HPLC analysis (on the left) and the spectral characteristics of Fe-YBT analyzed in line (on the right) are shown. Both HPLC programs can be used for each species. In King's medium B (B), Fe-YBT is more easily detected at 403 nm because medium components (visible between 2 and 10 min) absorb more at 305 nm. (C) ESI-MS positive-ion analysis of Fe-YBT of P. syringae pv. tomato LMG 5093.