Macrophage activation induced by molecular chaperones
Protein | Eukaryotic proteina | Prokaryotic protein |
Cpn10 | Human protein inhibits caMφ activation | M. tuberculosis protein induces osteoclastogenesis |
Trx80 | Claimed to induce novel macrophage activation state | Not tested |
Trx | Human Trx activates macrophages (state unknown) | A. actinomycetemcomitans protein does not activate macrophages |
Cyclophilin A | Human protein activates macrophages (state unknown) | Bacterial proteins not tested |
Peroxiredoxin | Eukaryotic protein induces aaMφ | Bacterial proteins not tested |
Hsp27 | Human Hsp27 induces IL-10 but not tumor necrosis factor alpha | Bacterial proteins not tested |
Hsp60 | Human Hsp60 induces a caMφ-like state | Certain mycobacterial proteins block myeloid cell activation |
Hsp70 | Human protein induces a caMφ-like state | M. tuberculosis protein contains both inhibiting and activating domains |
BiP | Inhibits monocyte activation and may induce aaMφ | No bacterial equivalent |
Gp96 | Modified form of macrophage activation | Bacterial protein not tested |
Clusterin | Induces what appears to be caMφ | No bacterial equivalent |
caMφ, classically activated macrophages; aaMφ, alternatively activated macrophages.