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. 2006 Jul;74(7):3693–3706. doi: 10.1128/IAI.01882-05


Macrophage activation induced by molecular chaperones

Protein Eukaryotic proteina Prokaryotic protein
Cpn10 Human protein inhibits caMφ activation M. tuberculosis protein induces osteoclastogenesis
Trx80 Claimed to induce novel macrophage activation state Not tested
Trx Human Trx activates macrophages (state unknown) A. actinomycetemcomitans protein does not activate macrophages
Cyclophilin A Human protein activates macrophages (state unknown) Bacterial proteins not tested
Peroxiredoxin Eukaryotic protein induces aaMφ Bacterial proteins not tested
Hsp27 Human Hsp27 induces IL-10 but not tumor necrosis factor alpha Bacterial proteins not tested
Hsp60 Human Hsp60 induces a caMφ-like state Certain mycobacterial proteins block myeloid cell activation
Hsp70 Human protein induces a caMφ-like state M. tuberculosis protein contains both inhibiting and activating domains
BiP Inhibits monocyte activation and may induce aaMφ No bacterial equivalent
Gp96 Modified form of macrophage activation Bacterial protein not tested
Clusterin Induces what appears to be caMφ No bacterial equivalent

caMφ, classically activated macrophages; aaMφ, alternatively activated macrophages.