FIG. 4.
Bcl-3 KO CD8 T cells lack adjuvant-dependent IFN-γ recall responses. (A) CD8 T cells from untreated control mice (no txt) or from mice treated in vivo for 3 days (d3; left panels) or 7 days (d7; right panels) with SEB with or without LPS were assessed for their ability to express IFN-γ in response to in vitro restimulation for 48 h with 100 ng/ml SEB. (B) The IFN-γ-specific MFI of CD8+ Vβ8 TCR+ cells cultured as described for panel A. Data for panel A are means ± standard errors of the means (SEM) of 5 to 6 (day 3) or 10 to 12 (day 7) individual mice. Data in panel B are means ± SEM from three individual splenic cultures from one of either two (day 3) or four (day 7) similar experiments performed. Asterisks denote P values of <0.05 when comparing values for Bcl-3 KO cultures to wild-type cultures. (C) Representative dot plots of IFN-γ-stained cells from the CD8+-gated cells from each group of mice on day 7 are shown. The percentage of IFN-γ+ cells in the CD8+ Vβ8 TCR+ population and the values for IFN-γ-specific MFI are listed in the upper right corners. Each plot represents a culture from an individual mouse treated as described from one representative experiment of four performed with two treated animals per group. This experiment was distinct from those shown in panels A and B.